Personal data protection policy
end user of the "Tappy Driver" application

The acceptance of the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the Tappy Driver application and the provision of consent to the processing of Personal Data is carried out by the Driver through:
1. Entering a telephone number in the appropriate column of the electronic form of the Console in order to request a one-time password;
2. Entering a six-digit one-time password sent to the specified phone number.
Providing consent to the processing of Personal Data means the consent of the Driver to the processing of Personal Data, performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools, for the purposes established by the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the Tappy Driver application. Consent is provided for the entire period of use of the Remote.
In the event that at the time of granting consent the Driver is already authorized in the Remote Control, the fact of having an authorized account and pressing the "Agree" button (or another similar button), together with which it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the new text of the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the "Tappy Driver" application , is an agreement.

If the Driver refuses to provide consent to the processing of Personal Data, the Driver will be restricted from using the Remote Control.

The end user privacy policy of the Tappy Driver application (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is hosted by the domain name: and is used in accordance with the End User License Agreement of the Tappy Driver application (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") hosted by the domain name : and is an integral part of it.

1. Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions used in the Agreement have a similar meaning if they are used in the Policy, unless otherwise expressly provided by the Policy.
1.1. Processing of Personal Data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with Personal Data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal Data
Terms not defined in the Policy, in the Agreement, are used in the meaning established by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand. In the event of any conflict between the Policy and other official documents of Tappy Now, the Policy shall govern. The processing of the Driver's Personal Data is carried out in pursuance of the Agreement concluded between the Driver and Tappy Now.

2. Purpose and scope of the Policy
2.1. The purpose of the Policy is to provide answers to the main questions of Drivers regarding the processing of Personal Data when using the Remote Control.
2.2. The Policy is part of the documents that define Tappy Now's Personal Data policy and implement the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand on the protection of Personal Data.
2.3. The Policy is a public document and is intended to inform interested parties about the purposes, grounds, principles, procedure and other conditions for processing Personal Data of Drivers.
2.4. If the subject of Personal data does not agree with the provisions of the Policy, which is an integral part of the Agreement, then he should stop using the Remote, as well as cooperation with Tappy Now.
2.5. The Policy defines the conditions for the processing of Personal Data for the following categories of Personal Data subjects:
2.5.1. Drivers;
2.5.2. Potential drivers;
2.5.3. Contact persons of Partners;
2.6. The Policy does not apply to other categories of Personal Data subjects that Tappy Now works with.

3. Processed Personal Data
3.1. The functioning of the Console is impossible without the information provided by the Drivers. Personal data is necessary for the provision of the Services.
3.2. For all purposes of processing Personal Data, Tappy Now uses public and other categories of Personal Data, special and biometric categories are not used.
3.3. The following lists the categories of Personal Data subjects, the Personal Data processed and the purposes of their processing.
Categories of Personal Data Subjects
Data List
Surname, name, patronymic (if any);
Date of Birth;
Type of identity document, series, number, date of issue, by whom issued, validity period;
Address of location and/or registration;
Photocopy of the passport;
Driver's license information: class, type of driver's license, series, number, date of issue, validity period;
Photocopy of driver's license on both sides;
Date of registration in the Console;
End date of using the Remote Control;
Information about moderation and parsing of documents;
Phone numbers;
Information about the car and taxi license;
Information about completed Applications;
Information about goals and their achievement;
Location information (trekking);
Information about payment instruments: binding to the payment service and card mask;
Bank details;
Information about payment within the framework of the provision of the Services;
Information about calls to the support service and chat;
Ratings given by customers;
Call details;
Information about mobile devices;
Call records;
Insurance policy;
Vehicle registration certificate
Registration of the Driver in the Remote;
Providing the Driver with a working tool for working with Applications;
Motivating the Driver to complete more Applications;
Control of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the data and documents provided by the Driver;
Maintaining the history and communication experience of the Driver;
Ensuring the quality and safety of travel;
Sending notifications during the provision of Services, consideration of applications;
Providing support;
improve the quality, convenience and safety of the remote control;
Interaction with government agencies within the framework of legislation on transport security, law enforcement, epidemiological welfare of the population, protection from emergencies;
Compliance with agreements entered into by Tappy Now with government agencies (if any);
Retention of Drivers as persons who are executors of the Services;
Formation of personalized offers; Ensuring security requirements in the provision of Services;
Check (verification) of documents and reliability of Potential drivers;
Carrying out mailings, including advertising, displaying targeted advertising, data enrichment, collection and analysis of statistical information, personalization of marketing campaigns, loyalty programs
Potential Drivers
Remote Users
Surname, name, patronymic (if any);
Date of Birth;
Type of identity document, series, number, date of issue, by whom issued, validity period;
Address of location and/or registration;
Phone number;
Driver's license information: class, type of driver's license, series, number, date of issue, validity period;
information about the vehicle;
Insurance policy;
Vehicle registration document;
Information provided at the initiative of the Potential Driver to the employee of the call center for attracting and retaining drivers
Attracting Drivers;
Check (verification) of documents and reliability of Potential drivers;
Carrying out mailings, including advertising, displaying targeted advertising, data enrichment, collection and analysis of statistical information, personalization of marketing campaigns.
IP address;
Operating system;
Device information;
Screen resolution;
The history of the application;
Application debug information;
About using application application functions
Development and improvement of the Remote;
Improved usability;
Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and events;
Solving technical problems of the application
4. Principles of Personal Data Processing
4.1. Tappy Now and its employees are guided by the following principles when processing Personal Data:
4.1.1. Processing Personal Data on a lawful and fair basis;
4.1.2. The inadmissibility of combining Personal Data, the purposes of processing of which are incompatible with each other;
4.1.3. Compliance of processed Personal data with predetermined purposes of their processing;
4.1.4. Exclusion of collection and processing of redundant data;
4.1.5. Ensuring the accuracy of Personal Data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of processing Personal Data;
4.1.6. Taking the necessary measures or ensuring that they are taken to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data, including at the request of Personal Data subjects;
4.1.7. Compliance with the volume and terms of storage of Personal data.

5. Grounds for the processing of Personal Data
5.1. The grounds for the processing of Personal Data by Tappy Now, its affiliates and partners under the Policy include:
5.1.1. Agreement and applicable documents, including the Policy;
5.1.2. Legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

6. Conditions for the processing of Personal data
6.1. Identification of Personal Data Subjects.
6.1.1. In order to ensure the provision of safe Services by Drivers, Tappy Now implements a multi-stage identification process for Drivers. The main identifier of the Driver, which he reports in the first place, is the phone number. Periodic control is carried out confirming the provision of Services by the Driver. This allows customers to be confident in the security of the Services.
6.1.2. Behind each account and the services provided within it there is a certain individual - the subject of Personal Data. Tappy Now takes all measures to protect its rights in relation to the data contained in the account.
6.2. Collection of Personal Data.
6.2.1. Tappy Now receives (collects) Personal Data at the time of registration of Drivers, moderation of applications and documents, in the process of fulfilling customer requests, personalized motivation, in the process of support, granting the right to use the Remote Control.
6.2.2. When collecting Personal Data, Tappy Now ensures their recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction of Personal Data of citizens of the Kingdom of Thailand using databases located in information systems located on the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.2.3. The collection of Personal Data is carried out directly from the subject of Personal Data by registering it in the Console and / or accepting (accepting) the Agreement.
6.2.4. The Driver may manage the collection of Personal Data in the Remote when it is first launched, when the operating system requests access to certain Driver data or mobile device hardware.
6.3. Storage and processing.
6.3.1. Personal data of the Drivers are processed mainly using automated means and stored on electronic media.
6.3.2. In some cases, such as giving gifts, paper documents are required, which is stipulated in the rules for conducting marketing campaigns.

6.4. Terms of processing and storage of Personal data.
6.4.1. Personal data of Drivers is processed by Tappy Now during the term of the contractual relationship with the Driver and 5 years after termination of the contract. This is necessary in order to comply with Tappy Now's obligations under the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.4.2. The storage of Personal Data is carried out in a form that allows you to determine the subject of Personal Data, during the term of the contractual relationship with the Driver and 5 (five) years after the termination of the Agreement.
6.4.3. While using the Remote Control, the Driver can disable the work of Push Notifications, collect statistics on the operation of the Remote Control, and refuse marketing mailings.
6.5. Console placement.
6.5.1. The entire computing infrastructure in the Console is located in data centers within the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand in accordance with the necessary need for performance, bandwidth of communication channels and availability of services for Personal Data subjects.
6.5.2. To provide communication services and provide all necessary communication channels with Drivers, including numbers attached to orders, Tappy Now engages telecom operators.
6.6. Transfer and receipt from third parties.
6.6.1. Tappy Now as described in section “5. Grounds for Personal Data Processing” is entitled by law, in response to official requests received from the authorized state authorities of the Kingdom of Thailand and local governments, as well as within the framework of mandatory reporting, to transfer to them information about their activities, including Personal data of subjects of Personal data without them notifications.
6.6.2. For Law Enforcement Personal data may be blocked and stored for the periods established in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.6.3. Tappy Now entrusts the processing of Personal Data of Personal Data subjects (transfers, provides access, stores, accesses) to third parties. The transfer of data is carried out on the basis of agreements and contracts with partners of Tappy Now, which help Tappy Now achieve the purposes of processing Personal Data specified in the Policy. The order is drawn up in the form of an agreement that defines the list of Personal Data, the list of actions (operations) with Personal Data that will be performed by the person processing Personal Data, the purposes of their processing, establishing the obligation of such a person to maintain the confidentiality of Personal Data, the requirements of the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, the obligation, at the request of Tappy Now, during the term of the Tappy Now order, including before the processing of Personal Data, to provide documents and other information confirming that measures have been taken and compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand in order to fulfill the Tappy Now order, the obligation to ensure the security of Personal data when their processing, as well as indicating the requirements for the protection of the processed Personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.7. Termination of the processing of Personal Data.
6.7.1. The processed Personal Data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the goals of processing, in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, as well as in the event of withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal Data of the subject of Personal Data, or other legal grounds. Destruction of paper documents (carriers) containing Personal data is carried out by their crushing (shredding), including using a specialized device (shredder). Personal data on electronic media is destroyed by erasing or formatting the media.
6.7.2. At the same time, the Parties agree that in case of withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal data by the subject of Personal data, Tappy Now has the right to continue processing

Personal data if it is necessary to process Personal data to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand. In connection with the withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal Data, Tappy Now has the right to restrict the use of all or some of the functions of the Remote Control.
6.8. Provisions of clauses 6.1. – 6.7.2. apply to all purposes of processing Personal Data.

7. Cookies and Site Monitoring Tools
7.1. Appointment.
7.1.1. The console and website ( contain technologies that allow you to:
• store user sessions;
• debug and optimize software;
• improve the quality of the Console, the website and the Services provided through them;
• track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
7.1.2. For no other purpose, the information obtained using such means is not used.
7.1.3. The information in cookies and monitoring tools on the site is depersonalized, that is, it does not allow you to identify the subject of Personal Data without using additional data.
7.2. Cookies.
7.2.1. Cookies are small files that are stored by the browser or the Driver's application when browsing a website or accessing web resources. They can be used by the web application to store information about previous sessions, viewed information, Driver ID, statistical information, technical information about Driver interface settings, etc.
7.2.2. Saving information about the previous session on the site allows you to track new Drivers, as well as keep statistics on the work with the site and the Remote Control.
7.3. Console and site monitoring tools.
7.3.1. The remote control operates on the basis of Android and iOS operating systems and uses a set of tools designed for various service and debugging functions, allowing:
• collect and monitor the state of the application and the correctness of its functioning, as well as determine the causes of failures and errors;
• collect user experience information and use it to improve the Remote.
7.3.2. Such tools are an integral part of the Android and iOS mobile operating systems, as well as the software solutions used by Tappy Now as part of the Remote.
7.3.3. The cookies and JScript technologies used by the site are included by the software manufacturers and function in most browsers by default.
7.4. User options.
7.4.1. When opening the site and the Remote Control, the Driver is shown a notification about the cookies and / or monitoring tools used by the site.
7.4.2. The Driver, having read this notice and the Policy, independently and of his own free will decides on the further use of the site and the Remote Control. A driver who does not agree with such notice and/or the Policy must leave the site, or stop using the Remote, or disable the use of Cookies and/or monitoring tools in the manner specified in the notice.
7.4.3. At the same time, regardless of whether such tools are disabled, the Driver must read the Policy during registration.

8. Privacy and Security of Personal Data
8.1. Personal data is confidential information.
8.2. Tappy Now takes legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

8.3. Technical security measures are implemented by Tappy Now, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, the nature of the information processed, the risks associated with the volume of information processed and the information technologies used.
8.4. Providing Tappy Now employees and partners with access to Personal Data is limited to the extent necessary for such persons to perform their official duties or obligations under an agreement with Tappy Now. At the same time, Tappy Now imposes on such persons the obligation to comply with the confidentiality and security requirements of Personal Data, and also provides control over their compliance.
8.5. To ensure the confidentiality and security of Personal Data, all employees and partners comply with the measures established by law, internal documents and agreements.

9. Rights of the subject of Personal data
9.1. The subject of Personal data has the right:
9.1.1. receive information regarding the processing of his Personal Data by Tappy Now, including information about third parties who have access to Personal Data or to whom Personal Data is transferred;
9.1.2. access your Personal Data;
9.1.3. require Tappy Now to clarify its Personal Data, block it or destroy it if the Personal Data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights;
9.1.4. withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data, if the processing was carried out solely on its basis, and the termination of processing does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of Tappy Now;
9.1.5. receive an explanation of the grounds for processing his Personal Data without his consent in cases determined by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, labor, civil law contract;
9.1.6. to protect their rights and interests in relation to Personal Data;
9.1.7. to make suggestions and recommendations on organizing the protection of the rights of Personal Data subjects in Tappy Now;
9.1.8. to other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand in the field of personal data protection.

10. Disclaimer of Tappy Now
10.1. Tappy Now is not responsible for the disclosure and dissemination of information about the Driver by third parties in the event that the Driver fails to ensure the safety of devices and data used for authorization in the Console.

11. Referrals and feedback
11.1. In order to exercise their rights related to Personal Data, the data subject of which is processed by Tappy Now may apply to Tappy Now by sending a written application.
11.2. In a written application, you must specify: last name, first name (in full), patronymic (in full), details of an identity document, location address and / or registration address, phone number to which the account is linked, the essence of the application with a description of the circumstances and requirements. Copies of documents confirming the specified circumstances are attached to the application, if necessary. The application is sent to the address of the location of Tappy Now, specified in the "Tappy Now Details" section, and also have the date, signature, transcript of the signature of the subject of Personal data (or his representative). If an application is sent on behalf of a representative of the subject of Personal data, an appropriate power of attorney must be attached to the application to confirm the authority of the representative.

12. Changes and additions
12.1. Tappy Now has the right to unilaterally change the Policy. The changes come into force by publishing the documents on the site.
12.2. The Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand. Issues not regulated by the Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Requisites Tappy Now
14/44, Village No. 1, Rawai Sub-district, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket Province
Registration No. 0835566008553

Publication date: April 01, 2565
Policy effective date: 01 April 2565
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Personal data protection policy
end user of the "Tappy Driver" application

The acceptance of the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the Tappy Driver application and the provision of consent to the processing of Personal Data is carried out by the Driver through:
1. Entering a telephone number in the appropriate column of the electronic form of the Console in order to request a one-time password;
2. Entering a six-digit one-time password sent to the specified phone number.
Providing consent to the processing of Personal Data means the consent of the Driver to the processing of Personal Data, performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools, for the purposes established by the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the Tappy Driver application. Consent is provided for the entire period of use of the Remote.
In the event that at the time of granting consent the Driver is already authorized in the Remote Control, the fact of having an authorized account and pressing the "Agree" button (or another similar button), together with which it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the new text of the Personal Data Protection Policy of the end user of the "Tappy Driver" application , is an agreement.

If the Driver refuses to provide consent to the processing of Personal Data, the Driver will be restricted from using the Remote Control.

The end user privacy policy of the Tappy Driver application (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is hosted by the domain name: and is used in accordance with the End User License Agreement of the Tappy Driver application (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") hosted by the domain name : and is an integral part of it.

1. Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions used in the Agreement have a similar meaning if they are used in the Policy, unless otherwise expressly provided by the Policy.
1.1. Processing of Personal Data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with Personal Data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal Data
Terms not defined in the Policy, in the Agreement, are used in the meaning established by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand. In the event of any conflict between the Policy and other official documents of Tappy Now, the Policy shall govern. The processing of the Driver's Personal Data is carried out in pursuance of the Agreement concluded between the Driver and Tappy Now.

2. Purpose and scope of the Policy
2.1. The purpose of the Policy is to provide answers to the main questions of Drivers regarding the processing of Personal Data when using the Remote Control.
2.2. The Policy is part of the documents that define Tappy Now's Personal Data policy and implement the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand on the protection of Personal Data.
2.3. The Policy is a public document and is intended to inform interested parties about the purposes, grounds, principles, procedure and other conditions for processing Personal Data of Drivers.
2.4. If the subject of Personal data does not agree with the provisions of the Policy, which is an integral part of the Agreement, then he should stop using the Remote, as well as cooperation with Tappy Now.
2.5. The Policy defines the conditions for the processing of Personal Data for the following categories of Personal Data subjects:
2.5.1. Drivers;
2.5.2. Potential drivers;
2.5.3. Contact persons of Partners;
2.6. The Policy does not apply to other categories of Personal Data subjects that Tappy Now works with.

3. Processed Personal Data
3.1. The functioning of the Console is impossible without the information provided by the Drivers. Personal data is necessary for the provision of the Services.
3.2. For all purposes of processing Personal Data, Tappy Now uses public and other categories of Personal Data, special and biometric categories are not used.
3.3. The following lists the categories of Personal Data subjects, the Personal Data processed and the purposes of their processing.
Categories of Personal Data Subjects
Data List
Surname, name, patronymic (if any);
Date of Birth;
Type of identity document, series, number, date of issue, by whom issued, validity period;
Address of location and/or registration;
Photocopy of the passport;
Driver's license information: class, type of driver's license, series, number, date of issue, validity period;
Photocopy of driver's license on both sides;
Date of registration in the Console;
End date of using the Remote Control;
Information about moderation and parsing of documents;
Phone numbers;
Information about the car and taxi license;
Information about completed Applications;
Information about goals and their achievement;
Location information (trekking);
Information about payment instruments: binding to the payment service and card mask;
Bank details;
Information about payment within the framework of the provision of the Services;
Information about calls to the support service and chat;
Ratings given by customers;
Call details;
Information about mobile devices;
Call records;
Insurance policy;
Vehicle registration certificate
Registration of the Driver in the Remote;
Providing the Driver with a working tool for working with Applications;
Motivating the Driver to complete more Applications;
Control of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the data and documents provided by the Driver;
Maintaining the history and communication experience of the Driver;
Ensuring the quality and safety of travel;
Sending notifications during the provision of Services, consideration of applications;
Providing support;
improve the quality, convenience and safety of the remote control;
Interaction with government agencies within the framework of legislation on transport security, law enforcement, epidemiological welfare of the population, protection from emergencies;
Compliance with agreements entered into by Tappy Now with government agencies (if any);
Retention of Drivers as persons who are executors of the Services;
Formation of personalized offers; Ensuring security requirements in the provision of Services;
Check (verification) of documents and reliability of Potential drivers;
Carrying out mailings, including advertising, displaying targeted advertising, data enrichment, collection and analysis of statistical information, personalization of marketing campaigns, loyalty programs
Potential Drivers
Remote Users
Surname, name, patronymic (if any);
Date of Birth;
Type of identity document, series, number, date of issue, by whom issued, validity period;
Address of location and/or registration;
Phone number;
Driver's license information: class, type of driver's license, series, number, date of issue, validity period;
information about the vehicle;
Insurance policy;
Vehicle registration document;
Information provided at the initiative of the Potential Driver to the employee of the call center for attracting and retaining drivers
Attracting Drivers;
Check (verification) of documents and reliability of Potential drivers;
Carrying out mailings, including advertising, displaying targeted advertising, data enrichment, collection and analysis of statistical information, personalization of marketing campaigns.
IP address;
Operating system;
Device information;
Screen resolution;
The history of the application;
Application debug information;
About using application application functions
Development and improvement of the Remote;
Improved usability;
Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and events;
Solving technical problems of the application
4. Principles of Personal Data Processing
4.1. Tappy Now and its employees are guided by the following principles when processing Personal Data:
4.1.1. Processing Personal Data on a lawful and fair basis;
4.1.2. The inadmissibility of combining Personal Data, the purposes of processing of which are incompatible with each other;
4.1.3. Compliance of processed Personal data with predetermined purposes of their processing;
4.1.4. Exclusion of collection and processing of redundant data;
4.1.5. Ensuring the accuracy of Personal Data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of processing Personal Data;
4.1.6. Taking the necessary measures or ensuring that they are taken to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data, including at the request of Personal Data subjects;
4.1.7. Compliance with the volume and terms of storage of Personal data.

5. Grounds for the processing of Personal Data
5.1. The grounds for the processing of Personal Data by Tappy Now, its affiliates and partners under the Policy include:
5.1.1. Agreement and applicable documents, including the Policy;
5.1.2. Legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

6. Conditions for the processing of Personal data
6.1. Identification of Personal Data Subjects.
6.1.1. In order to ensure the provision of safe Services by Drivers, Tappy Now implements a multi-stage identification process for Drivers. The main identifier of the Driver, which he reports in the first place, is the phone number. Periodic control is carried out confirming the provision of Services by the Driver. This allows customers to be confident in the security of the Services.
6.1.2. Behind each account and the services provided within it there is a certain individual - the subject of Personal Data. Tappy Now takes all measures to protect its rights in relation to the data contained in the account.
6.2. Collection of Personal Data.
6.2.1. Tappy Now receives (collects) Personal Data at the time of registration of Drivers, moderation of applications and documents, in the process of fulfilling customer requests, personalized motivation, in the process of support, granting the right to use the Remote Control.
6.2.2. When collecting Personal Data, Tappy Now ensures their recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction of Personal Data of citizens of the Kingdom of Thailand using databases located in information systems located on the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.2.3. The collection of Personal Data is carried out directly from the subject of Personal Data by registering it in the Console and / or accepting (accepting) the Agreement.
6.2.4. The Driver may manage the collection of Personal Data in the Remote when it is first launched, when the operating system requests access to certain Driver data or mobile device hardware.
6.3. Storage and processing.
6.3.1. Personal data of the Drivers are processed mainly using automated means and stored on electronic media.
6.3.2. In some cases, such as giving gifts, paper documents are required, which is stipulated in the rules for conducting marketing campaigns.

6.4. Terms of processing and storage of Personal data.
6.4.1. Personal data of Drivers is processed by Tappy Now during the term of the contractual relationship with the Driver and 5 years after termination of the contract. This is necessary in order to comply with Tappy Now's obligations under the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.4.2. The storage of Personal Data is carried out in a form that allows you to determine the subject of Personal Data, during the term of the contractual relationship with the Driver and 5 (five) years after the termination of the Agreement.
6.4.3. While using the Remote Control, the Driver can disable the work of Push Notifications, collect statistics on the operation of the Remote Control, and refuse marketing mailings.
6.5. Console placement.
6.5.1. The entire computing infrastructure in the Console is located in data centers within the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand in accordance with the necessary need for performance, bandwidth of communication channels and availability of services for Personal Data subjects.
6.5.2. To provide communication services and provide all necessary communication channels with Drivers, including numbers attached to orders, Tappy Now engages telecom operators.
6.6. Transfer and receipt from third parties.
6.6.1. Tappy Now as described in section “5. Grounds for Personal Data Processing” is entitled by law, in response to official requests received from the authorized state authorities of the Kingdom of Thailand and local governments, as well as within the framework of mandatory reporting, to transfer to them information about their activities, including Personal data of subjects of Personal data without them notifications.
6.6.2. For Law Enforcement Personal data may be blocked and stored for the periods established in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.6.3. Tappy Now entrusts the processing of Personal Data of Personal Data subjects (transfers, provides access, stores, accesses) to third parties. The transfer of data is carried out on the basis of agreements and contracts with partners of Tappy Now, which help Tappy Now achieve the purposes of processing Personal Data specified in the Policy. The order is drawn up in the form of an agreement that defines the list of Personal Data, the list of actions (operations) with Personal Data that will be performed by the person processing Personal Data, the purposes of their processing, establishing the obligation of such a person to maintain the confidentiality of Personal Data, the requirements of the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, the obligation, at the request of Tappy Now, during the term of the Tappy Now order, including before the processing of Personal Data, to provide documents and other information confirming that measures have been taken and compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand in order to fulfill the Tappy Now order, the obligation to ensure the security of Personal data when their processing, as well as indicating the requirements for the protection of the processed Personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.
6.7. Termination of the processing of Personal Data.
6.7.1. The processed Personal Data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the goals of processing, in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, as well as in the event of withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal Data of the subject of Personal Data, or other legal grounds. Destruction of paper documents (carriers) containing Personal data is carried out by their crushing (shredding), including using a specialized device (shredder). Personal data on electronic media is destroyed by erasing or formatting the media.
6.7.2. At the same time, the Parties agree that in case of withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal data by the subject of Personal data, Tappy Now has the right to continue processing

Personal data if it is necessary to process Personal data to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand. In connection with the withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal Data, Tappy Now has the right to restrict the use of all or some of the functions of the Remote Control.
6.8. Provisions of clauses 6.1. – 6.7.2. apply to all purposes of processing Personal Data.

7. Cookies and Site Monitoring Tools
7.1. Appointment.
7.1.1. The console and website ( contain technologies that allow you to:
• store user sessions;
• debug and optimize software;
• improve the quality of the Console, the website and the Services provided through them;
• track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
7.1.2. For no other purpose, the information obtained using such means is not used.
7.1.3. The information in cookies and monitoring tools on the site is depersonalized, that is, it does not allow you to identify the subject of Personal Data without using additional data.
7.2. Cookies.
7.2.1. Cookies are small files that are stored by the browser or the Driver's application when browsing a website or accessing web resources. They can be used by the web application to store information about previous sessions, viewed information, Driver ID, statistical information, technical information about Driver interface settings, etc.
7.2.2. Saving information about the previous session on the site allows you to track new Drivers, as well as keep statistics on the work with the site and the Remote Control.
7.3. Console and site monitoring tools.
7.3.1. The remote control operates on the basis of Android and iOS operating systems and uses a set of tools designed for various service and debugging functions, allowing:
• collect and monitor the state of the application and the correctness of its functioning, as well as determine the causes of failures and errors;
• collect user experience information and use it to improve the Remote.
7.3.2. Such tools are an integral part of the Android and iOS mobile operating systems, as well as the software solutions used by Tappy Now as part of the Remote.
7.3.3. The cookies and JScript technologies used by the site are included by the software manufacturers and function in most browsers by default.
7.4. User options.
7.4.1. When opening the site and the Remote Control, the Driver is shown a notification about the cookies and / or monitoring tools used by the site.
7.4.2. The Driver, having read this notice and the Policy, independently and of his own free will decides on the further use of the site and the Remote Control. A driver who does not agree with such notice and/or the Policy must leave the site, or stop using the Remote, or disable the use of Cookies and/or monitoring tools in the manner specified in the notice.
7.4.3. At the same time, regardless of whether such tools are disabled, the Driver must read the Policy during registration.

8. Privacy and Security of Personal Data
8.1. Personal data is confidential information.
8.2. Tappy Now takes legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of Personal Data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

8.3. Technical security measures are implemented by Tappy Now, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, the nature of the information processed, the risks associated with the volume of information processed and the information technologies used.
8.4. Providing Tappy Now employees and partners with access to Personal Data is limited to the extent necessary for such persons to perform their official duties or obligations under an agreement with Tappy Now. At the same time, Tappy Now imposes on such persons the obligation to comply with the confidentiality and security requirements of Personal Data, and also provides control over their compliance.
8.5. To ensure the confidentiality and security of Personal Data, all employees and partners comply with the measures established by law, internal documents and agreements.

9. Rights of the subject of Personal data
9.1. The subject of Personal data has the right:
9.1.1. receive information regarding the processing of his Personal Data by Tappy Now, including information about third parties who have access to Personal Data or to whom Personal Data is transferred;
9.1.2. access your Personal Data;
9.1.3. require Tappy Now to clarify its Personal Data, block it or destroy it if the Personal Data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights;
9.1.4. withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data, if the processing was carried out solely on its basis, and the termination of processing does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of Tappy Now;
9.1.5. receive an explanation of the grounds for processing his Personal Data without his consent in cases determined by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand, labor, civil law contract;
9.1.6. to protect their rights and interests in relation to Personal Data;
9.1.7. to make suggestions and recommendations on organizing the protection of the rights of Personal Data subjects in Tappy Now;
9.1.8. to other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand in the field of personal data protection.

10. Disclaimer of Tappy Now
10.1. Tappy Now is not responsible for the disclosure and dissemination of information about the Driver by third parties in the event that the Driver fails to ensure the safety of devices and data used for authorization in the Console.

11. Referrals and feedback
11.1. In order to exercise their rights related to Personal Data, the data subject of which is processed by Tappy Now may apply to Tappy Now by sending a written application.
11.2. In a written application, you must specify: last name, first name (in full), patronymic (in full), details of an identity document, location address and / or registration address, phone number to which the account is linked, the essence of the application with a description of the circumstances and requirements. Copies of documents confirming the specified circumstances are attached to the application, if necessary. The application is sent to the address of the location of Tappy Now, specified in the "Tappy Now Details" section, and also have the date, signature, transcript of the signature of the subject of Personal data (or his representative). If an application is sent on behalf of a representative of the subject of Personal data, an appropriate power of attorney must be attached to the application to confirm the authority of the representative.

12. Changes and additions
12.1. Tappy Now has the right to unilaterally change the Policy. The changes come into force by publishing the documents on the site.
12.2. The Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand. Issues not regulated by the Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Requisites Tappy Now
14/44, Village No. 1, Rawai Sub-district, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket Province
Registration No. 0835566008553

Publication date: April 01, 2565
Policy effective date: 01 April 2565
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